Updated Post in 2022 to Show What was made out of some of the fabric which arrived in 2012 and 2013.
For those of you who have been anxiously awaiting some different patterns of yellow vintage trailer awning fabric, for your canned ham awning, take notice! How about all of you who have been requesting light green fabric for your vintage camper awning, take a look! Well, you are in luck! I finally have found some discontinued, Marine Grade, 47" wide, Sunbrella/Dickson patterns in your favorite colors. They were just ordered today, so I will be expecting arrival in a week or so. Contact me at dfoster@bellsouth.net for custom vintage trailer awning orders.
Update: My 2013 Spring vintage trailer awning fabric is arriving in mid January. Watch for a 1- 22-13 Blog post with pictures of the new patterns available. My new facebook pages are: https://facebook.com/vintagetrailerawnings (LIKE)
https://facebook.com/kristi.foster.161 (FOLLOW)
2022 UPDATE:Sharing Images of different items that the 2013 marine grade awning fabric was sewn into, found in my old photos.
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only enough for a small awning is left |
Black and White Arched vintage trailer awning
My own personal awning, which is still in use 2022
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Image Arched Vintage Trailer Awning dfoster@bellsouth.net
A Rock Guard Awning dfoster@bellsouth.net
Pet Cage cover for travel
Pet Cage Cover
I have used some of my fabric remnants for cat or dog cage covers.
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Sold Out |
Image Small trailer door awning provides a speck of shade
Awning boxed and ready to mail
Underside of a vintage trailer Awning by Kristi dfoster@bellsouth.net
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This is the Tangerine pattern that I used for my own awning, many years ago
Underside of a vintage trailer awning by Kristi
Used a fabric remnant to make this storage bag
Sold Out |
Burgundy Transitional is still available |
Linen/Navy/Lemon Fancy
sold out |
Outdura Marine Grade Awning Fabric
is still available SOLD OUT | | | |
A vendor's cart
Long Narrow Rock Guard Awning
enough for 8' x 8' available SOLD OUT |
Arched Awning being fitted with shock poles
Looks like another Rock Guard Awning