Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Garden Adventure - A Bunny Story for Easter

"Big brother, lead the way!" she called out joyfully, "I want to explore." "Oh no!" timid Sammy cried, "I will stay right here where it is safe and secure." "But I need you to go with me," she pleaded. "You are older, larger and stronger than me. Please venture out into the yard so we can see what is growing out there,"she begged. "I will stay right beside you always, so please do not be afraid,"encouraged Schnoodle. With much trepidation, Sammy relented to her endless pleading. Out from their snug nest under the Hydrangea bush the bunnies hopped. Off they went, side by side, to expand their horizons.

The bird's cheerful chirping welcomed them as they emerged, from the rabbit hole, out into the sunshine. Cool, damp, grass tickled their feet and the warm spring air felt delightful on their fur.
The scent of Honeysuckle filled their nostrils, as it drifted in the soft breeze. "What a glorious day," sighed Sammy, as he attempted to take it all in. "It all seems too good to be true,"his sister said dreamily."We must however, not let our guard down," remarked Sammy, "there are dangers galore, that we must be watchful of." Squinting their eyes against the bright sunlight, all senses on alert, they ventured forward into the garden.

Soon enough, all caution was sent adrift with the wind. Intoxicated by the scents, sights and sounds, the bunnies proceeded along the fence line that bordered the garden. There amidst the honeysuckle vine was the most luscious looking blueberry bush. Their little noses were twitching away. Suddenly, a strange darkness loomed overhead.Descending in a mighty swoop, a flock of birds ravished every berry! Shaken, shocked,yet unharmed, the bunnies recovered to continue on their garden adventure.

For awhile all was quiet, both bunnies were considering the same thing; watching , waiting, wondering when the next assault would begin. Presently, they were safely tucked away under a small outcropping of rocks."Well," whispered Sammy,I presume we better be heading for home." "Not yet," coaxed his sister."Adventurous you may be but I would rather not be wandering off,"replied her brother.Evidently nervous and concerned for their safety, but too proud to admit it, Sammy again, against his better judgement, was swayed by Schnoodles wishes. They crept forward silently, listening intently, and scanning the area with care. Once they reached the clearing,a large predator owl was ready and waiting to strike.They gasped at the sight, fully knowing about it's deadly talons. An instant later, however, a big black crow landed on the owl's head.Their perilous situation was quickly averted upon the realization that the owl was nothing more
 than a garden scare tactic!

Both bunnies gave huge sighs of relief, composed, and readied themselves to proceed further into the garden. Ahead, not long into their journey, a new dilemma arose. A maze of cornstalks, standing straight and tall, directly in the path."Hurray!" an obstacle course to run," they shouted in unison. Who will quickly weave in and out amongst the stalks, out maneuver the other and reach the other side first? On the far side, breathless, hearts racing, yet exhilarated,they agreed it was, too close to call.

"We need to rest for a spell," panted Sammy. "That's an excellent suggestion," wheezed Schnoodle. Spellbound by the sight of a wondrous plant, heavy with purple blossoms, they sought shade under it's foliage. In dreamy fascination they gazed into the unusual flowers and began drifting off to sleep. Marvelously, while they slept, the blossoms closed and purple vegetables appeared. Upon awakening, they squealed with delight, excited that the magical plant had produced a yummy Eggplant snack just for them. Without hesitation or forethought, the bunnies nibbled away at the delectable produce. However, disturbing remembrances kept crossing Sammy's mind; dangers in the garden, vegetables to be avoided, warnings to be heeded. "What had Mother Rabbit warned us about, that was in the garden?" groaned Sammy miserably. "Avoid certain vegetables in the garden, that will surely make you ill," answered Schnoodle grimly. "Bright, colorful, vegetables, that look too good to be true, are dangerous for you," she recited. As predicted, their stomachs started making ghastly noises and somersaulting violently. They did not know what the future held for them. Thankfully, these episodes gradually became less frequent, and the bunnies were satisfied that their end was not yet near."We have disregarded Mother Rabbit's warnings," Sammy said sternly to his companion. Sullenly, Schnoodle promised to be more cautious in the future.
"A dripping faucet, where we might quench our thirst," announced Sammy gesturing toward his discovery. The well trodden path leading to the spigot, offered little protection for the weary pair. Only the branches from a withered, old, apple tree cast shadows to provide some shade. Parched and delirious, from lack of water, the two set off down the path. Suddenly there was a tremendous disturbance in the branches overhead. Commotion caused by a family of baby squirrels, in pursuit of one another, way up in the tree top. The branches shuddered and shook, a hailstorm of tiny green apples pummeled the unsuspecting bunnies below. Dazed, bruised and battered, they were still grateful to reach the refreshing trickle of fresh, cold, water.

Blueberry Bush